Car Accident Lawyer in Miami

Car accidents are very common in any city in Florida, especially Miami. The severity of injuries can range from minor to even fatal accidents. As a result of each accident, doubts arise about who is responsible, the relevance or not of compensation and the amount thereof, among other issues. To answer these questions, a Miami car accident lawyer can be very useful.

In order to ascertain whether compensation is due for this type of incident, a detailed study of the case is required. This is only possible if you have the necessary experience in similar cases. As in many other situations, there are conflicting interests between the affected parties. The injured party will want to be compensated in the highest amount possible, while the responsible driver will try to get rid of the fault and the expenses in question.

The growth of the population in the state of Florida, added to the great tourist concurrence, causes the traffic in the city to increase enormously. This causes accidents to happen anywhere, from parking lots to major highways. A Miami car accident attorney can handle any of these incidents to achieve the best result in your claim for a fee.

Crashes on public roads are often caused by human error. The distraction of a driver can cause serious accidents, with harmful consequences for himself or others. The use of mobile phones while driving is one of the most frequent causes of this type of incident. In other cases, it is a lack of skill behind the wheel that causes the crash. Ignorance of traffic rules can also be a determining cause of an accident, by breaking a regulation.

Finally, this type of tragedies also happen due to the use of alcohol or other substances while driving. This highly irresponsible attitude on the part of the driver can lead to serious injury or death. Given these circumstances, a car accident lawyer in Miami will be in charge of managing the claim so that the victim receives fair compensation for the damages caused.

Should I hire a Miami car accident attorney?

Without a doubt, the idea of ​​hiring a car accident lawyer in Miami in the event of an accident is highly recommended. When seeking representation in a car accident claim, turn to an experienced and experienced attorney like Mario Serralta. Professional advice in these cases is of the utmost importance, since it guarantees the best possible representation of your interests in the event of a conflict.

By regulation, all drivers must have insurance to drive in Miami or anywhere else in Florida. This should be a cause for peace of mind, since the company is in charge of covering the expenses in the event of an accident of its client. However, in some cases this can be more complex than it seems. Like any company, insurers seek to be as profitable as possible, and that means increasing revenue and minimizing costs as much as possible. Paying claims is one of the biggest costs they have, so they’ll try to do it as little as possible.

Insurance companies have a large number of experienced employees who spend their time looking for ways to lower costs. This may be by reducing award amounts or finding ways to deny the claim. Therefore, it is important that a Miami car accident lawyer be able to carry out the representation of the case. This person has enough knowledge and experience to deal with the insurance company and seek the most appropriate and fair compensation.

In many cases, the amounts offered by the companies are not enough to cover medical expenses. In addition, the possible future loss of income resulting from the injury, as well as the emotional and mental costs of the accident, are often not taken into account. Each of these points should be compensated correctly and fairly. If this does not happen, the Miami car accident lawyer can make a more robust claim against the company.

Common car accident injuries

Car accident insurance claims arise from medical expenses resulting from injuries. The victim can suffer from slight or superficial damage, to a considerable risk of life. Some consequences may be short-lived, such as bruises or scrapes, while others will take several years or even leave lifelong consequences.

The car accident lawyer in Miami will help you determine the fair cost of compensation for each type of injury, in order to claim from the insurance company. For drivers, a common injury is the whiplash that occurs in the collision, which can have consequences in the cervical. Other common injuries are broken bones or chest trauma, both for pedestrians and passengers in colliding vehicles. Hits to the head can cause concussions or more serious brain injuries.

Also serious injuries include those that affect the spinal cord. This region of the body is extremely influential in mobility, so a strong blow can cause partial or even total paralysis of a limb. Likewise, the most serious accidents can lead to limb amputations or even the death of a pedestrian or passenger in the damaged vehicle. When the Miami car accident lawyer takes over the representation, he will proceed to collect the information and present the claim according to the seriousness of the case.

Then there are all the other less visible damage that can be done to the victim. For example, if the person is unable to work for a certain amount of time, his or her income will be greatly reduced. This can even become permanent and definitely affect the family’s income. Mental and emotional damage must also be taken into consideration. Many victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder after an accident. Anxiety and panic attacks are other symptoms that appear in these circumstances, and can affect people’s ability to interact.

What to do after a car accident in Miami

Obviously, an accident is not something that can be foreseen. It happens in a surprising way, at any moment, without us expecting it. Therefore, it is important to be prepared and know what to do in the event of an accident on public roads involving a car. Of course, contacting a Miami car accident attorney is among the most important things to consider. But that is not all, since our actions in the moments after the accident can be decisive for the course of the claim. All this, considering that the injuries suffered are not so serious as to prevent us from acting.

One ​​of the most important recommendations is to obtain as much information as possible from the drivers and vehicles involved in the accident. License plate numbers, full names, addresses, and phone numbers will come in handy later on. Also obtain the data (name, address and telephone) of any possible witness to the accident, who may collaborate in the claim. In case there has been a traffic violation, make sure that the police are aware of it so that it is recorded.

If your own vehicle was damaged during the accident, contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Photographs of the damage caused can be useful in the course of the case, so it does not hurt to take some. In case of injuries, get medical attention to account for them and you can also take pictures. In general, any information you can provide your Miami car accident attorney will be helpful later on. An experienced and professional representative like Mario Serralta will take all the information available to present the strongest possible case.

Miami Car Accident Statistics

Sadly, car accidents are becoming more common in Florida and especially in Miami. The proportion of accidents in the county exceeds the percentage of the total population that lives there, which means that it is a particularly accident-prone area. In 2019, there were approximately 63,000 traffic accidents in the county, a fairly high number.

In terms of victims and affected people, Florida has also undergone a process of growth in recent years. In 2019, there were 3,183 fatalities in the state, which represents a growth of 15% compared to the average of the previous decade. If you look only at the county data, in Miami-Dade there have been 299 deaths and approximately 63,000 injuries due to car accidents in the same year. The figures never cease to impress and are, as we mentioned before, getting bigger every year.

How a Miami Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Given this scenario, knowing a car accident lawyer in Miami is extremely important to be prepared for any misfortune. In the event of an accident, the economic expenses that must be faced are very considerable. In addition to the material damage caused to the vehicle, in case you are driving, there are also medical bills. To this is added the time that can be lost between the recovery, the procedures to collect the insurance and any other inconvenience. And the pain and physical and mental suffering to which he is exposed in such an event is also remarkable.

Quantifying these damages, costs and losses can be an impossible task for the average person. But for a Miami car accident attorney with the background and experience of Mario Serralta, it is an everyday task. With the necessary knowledge, it is possible to estimate all the costs that result from a car accident. You can even get to report costs that you don’t even know about, but that you will have to face in the course of days, months or years. The experience in the sector allows the lawyer to know in depth, even more than the victim, what the consequences of the accident will be. In addition, the lawyers work with a group of experts who can identify the scope and costs of each of these damages.

The insurance company works to reduce the amounts and set aside some expenses, in order to minimize your costs, instead your Miami car accident lawyer will seek compensation more fair to the victim. This includes not only immediate financial and medical expenses, but also an estimate of the long-term damage the accident will have on your future income and ability to work. Added to the mental and emotional wear and tear, these costs can be significantly higher than what the insurer decides to cover of their own free will.

Then, it is not only a question of making an accurate calculation of the costs, but also it is necessary to demonstrate it against the position of the company. To do this, the car accident lawyer in Miami will have all the resources provided by the experience and knowledge acquired. With the information you can gather at the scene, plus all of the professionals’ own sources, your attorney will be able to make a strong case for the compensation you deserve. This will save him an enormous amount of time, more than one headache, and will allow him to obtain the economic resources that he needs in such a difficult moment.


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